Lockdown 3; Day 62

I have been debating in my mindover the weekend to decide where this blog will go once/if we get out of lockdown... My life is hardly exciting - the main entertainment today has been trying to work out why one cat is addicted to sleeping on the (closed) toilet or when it is in use trying to get behind it. Cat Psych is beyond me right now so I may just leave her to it! Another bright idea (at 4.19 am ) is to look back over my CKD journey... and I think that may be where I am going to start and then just let it all evolve from there! My journey basically started in 2008 when I was sent home from work with what I thought was just an upset stomach. My loving team had told me I looked bloody awful and I had to stop on the A20 to be sick. Really not a nice trip home and once I got home I burled up on a sofa and stuck to liquids only! I pretty much stayed there for the rest of the week, and on Saturday I was feeling slightly better. I washed my hair and had what I thought was an asthma a...