Lockdown 3; Day 52

Well we have arrived at another Friday! Mikey is worried that School starts on Monday (Just a week early) and he wants to 'do' something this weekend! He really has not grasped this Lockdown thing!! To be honest I would love to go somewhere....anywhere!! But nowhere is open yet and I think the Egg Machine would run out of attraction for Mikey pretty quickly! Half of me is tempted to head to a wood with a camera - but again Mikey would really not be overly impressed! I am pleased he will be returning to school soon. I have noticed that he is getting far to comfortable with just his company and I am getting fed up with trying to extract him from his bedroom. Another reason I need a dog - I could just send it into his pit to pull him out! Much healthier for me!! I am coming up with some really good reasons to have another furry kid....plus it would be such a special 50th Birthday gift after the hell of the last few years.... Preferably a Norbert!!! My sleep is getting better - fa...