Psycho Bitch Dragon Queen

I originally wrote this last night before dissolving into tears which Andy then had to calm down so I could not fall asleep... For those who don't know, the title refers to my bitch of a mother in law. She is the reason I left Andy last year and I am fed up with her now using my son to express her displeasure as she is unable to be an adult and speak to me. To be honest I think and feel she jsut wants me to die so she can try to sink her claws back into Andy (I've only spent 19 years trying to detach him) and Mikey. She already has her younger som living back at home - and teh stupid fool is now under her and his step mothers thumbs and appears to be unable to think or act for himself. There is no way he is going to settle with anyone, (male or female) when they are going to meet her...any sensible person will run a mile in self preservation after the first 5 minutes - or sooner. The fact a 50 year old man is living with his mother and her boyfriend will make finding a new par...