Today I have really had enough. I'm still feeling awful, the pain is increasing and the antibiotics really do not seem to be working. Add in that Mikey is still being bullied at school and I really wish he hadn't listened to me and had fought back; but for once he listened and hasn't flattened the little toe rag but I also don't think he managed to win the house captain vote. But I am worried he will take that out on Mikey. They are also working on 1000 hours of Kindness at school (well, Toby obviously isn't) and are meant to be completing a passport to hand in after the break. Mikey has not been given one and even though he has told his teacher several times still has not got one. I know it is not important in the big scheme of things but he feels that he is not being included as a member of the class, and no child wants to feel excluded... I'm also concerned about the amount of homework that has been sent home. With everything they are not going to get much o...