Following on from the Death of the Duke of Edinburgh yesterday I have been recalling my interactions with members of the Greek Royal Family in Exile.... I was the contact for them at one point when I was working for Royal Insurance and Royal and Sun Alliance. At one point hearing that Prince Nicolas was on the phone for me was enough for me to go and hide in the ladies!! Many commentators have stated that the Duke was an intelligent man who was far ahead of his time, especially in relation to his work for the environment. All I can say is he had all the brains and the rest of his family....not so much! I called my Mum yesterday as I have hardly spoken to her this week...I now know that I need to get hold of a 3 day eventing safety vest for her. These turn into a sort of air bag if you fall from your horse. As she has managed to fall over a garden curb this week and is decidedly battered from head to toe, I think she needs a wearable airbag! As Miff decided she needed sweet tea to ...