Lockdown 2 Day 3
Unfortunately this week has continued being extremely tough for me. I have basically been put back into shielding - not quite the same as Lockdown 1 as they don't appear to have put quite so many of us into it. For some reason Diabetes is not considered a high risk issue, nor asthma, but CKD is actually mentioned by stage... This has meant I couldn't head into the woods on Thursday, or any Thursday during this lockdown. This has not helped my mindset as it has been proved that the smells of woodland do help people the relax in the best possible way. But the way I am aching constantly at the moment means that just coping with the walk up to the camp would be a little tough for me to deal/cope with right now. Hopefully the problems toad Mikey has been encountering has now been dealt with. If my child comes home with more bruises the explosion will be heard of the whole country and the school may well end up flattened. The bruises resulting from his showdown on the way home are no...