
Showing posts from November 1, 2020

Lockdown 2 Day 3

Unfortunately this week has continued being extremely tough for me. I have basically been put back into shielding - not quite the same as Lockdown 1 as they don't appear to have put quite so many of us into it. For some reason Diabetes is not considered a high risk issue, nor asthma, but CKD is actually mentioned by stage... This has meant I couldn't head into the woods on Thursday, or any Thursday during this lockdown. This has not helped my mindset as it has been proved that the smells of woodland do help people the relax in the best possible way. But the way I am aching constantly at the moment means that just coping with the walk up to the camp would be a little tough for me to deal/cope with right now. Hopefully the problems toad Mikey has been encountering has now been dealt with. If my child comes home with more bruises the explosion will be heard of the whole country and the school may well end up flattened. The bruises resulting from his showdown on the way home are no...

Lockdown; Take 2

I got my e-mail last night from the Health Secretary putting me back into shielding. Not quite as harsh as last time, but basically I'm still stuck at home until 2 December... Our Lockdown started at 00.01 this morning,  in theory I was due in Marchwood this afternoon for a session. Andy has not been too happy about me going as to be honest I am really not feeling too well and my fatigue is just constantly worsening. (The usual treatment is just anti-depressants but I am limited with what my kidneys can cope with and most just make me eat constantly!) so I don't think he was too upset I wasn't going! I did contact Karen and also requested to self refer for January...Hopefully I may have that to look forward to! Mikey appears to have had a better day today...the girl who kicked him has been told that whatever he might have said, kicking him is not an acceptable response. The toad who was bullying him has been told to stay away and Mikey has promised to tell his teachers if h...

The Eve of Lockdown V.0002

 6 hours and 57 minutes until we are back in lockdown...Hopefully all the morons who thought it was all over and done with will behave and stop trying to find ways around the rules; it is only for 4 weeks after all, not exactly long in the grand scheme of life! This time schools are not closing, but all activities which tire out children are! If kids are not a risk linked to  transmission of this thing why can't they dash around and play sport? I would love to hear the science behind this decision, and let Mikey and his friends debate it with them! That may reverse the decision pretty rapidly! Mikey seems to be finding school particularly tough at the moment because of 1 obnoxious boy. This wimp is using mind games on Mikey who is certainly bigger than him. Mikey was threatened during the House Captain elections about what would happen if he voted for anyone else which worried him far too much until we discussed how elections work and the fact nobody else would know who he vot...