My end of year treat!!!

I really should check my e-mail far more frequently!! Dear Mr Hancock has decided I need to re-enter shielding for my own safety. My main reaction to this is that I'd be much happier to do this if everybody else was doing what they are asked to as well as me staying put! Before I read/checked my e-mail this morning I nipped to the local Co-op. Most of the staff were masked or wearing a visor (except 1) but the same cannot be said for all customers. The manager did appear at one point to stock shelves (not that I've ever seen him do anything else!!) but as usual no none mask wearing people were challenged. While people take such a fluid reaction to what we are asked to do for everyones safety it is not foing to improve. Thanks to Michelle Taylor I now have loads of wool so my shielding is going to be spent mainly knitting squares ready to then try to create a blanket! The cats have now discovered that chasing balls of wool can be I guess I'm going to be chasing...