All Change

Today was tough for me, we went to look at a potential school for Mikey to move on to next year! It doesn't feel that long since we were looking at choosing a Primary School for him, how on earth can it be time to pick the location for the rest of his education up to 18? Today was Lenham school, technically a Maidstone school; which does appeal to Mum as she was a Maidstone pupil in the dim and distant past! Mikey was initially not impressed with how long it took to get there! He is used to his school just being across the road, but as I have jsut discussed with Andy, he is growing up fast and I'm sure he will adjust quickly! I guess we will need to get him a phone next summer as well...or at least one that can be used!! The weather was not exactly school tour friendly! But hopefully we didn't resemble drowned rats too closely! I have found I have automatic windscreen wipers - NB don't press the stalk down as that turns it on and off rather than just doing a quick swip...