Not a day I want to repeat ...

Today started off fine with my session with my counsellor. She has such a calm voice and appears totally unflappable ; out next session in 2 weeks time is our last - but I should have started in the woods by then so hopefully I will cope better than I expected to at first! The next appointment was for Mikey to have a filling done. We had calmly talked through what was going to happen; how it will not hurt and it is all for the best as this is an adult tooth that he will need for a very long time. As we went in he was fine, but by the time we got into the surgery all that changed. He had a full blown melt down complete with crying and screaming. Trying to calm him down was not going to happen and the Dentist also tried, he was reassured that there would be no needles and it would not hurt...but that just led to more crying and it was real tears, not the normal fake crying he is so good at. It has been decided that the fillings will be done under sedation and all he had done was more x r...