
Sorry for the lack of content, but I seem to have moved to the totally knackered part of this F@~*ing disease now. This means I am pretty much totally exhausted from opening my eyes in the morning until I try to close them again at night - and that is usually the point my brain goes 'Oh! It's insomnia time!!' and off I go into the early hours when I hopefully pass out! Not much has actually been happening around here, Mikey is safely back at school and is trying to get his head around the idea that he is going to have to work this year! He is also back to his usual thoughts about homework...so the slamming of my head against various walls had commenced again! At least lockdown did give me a few months off after Mikey and I had agreed a truce!! Andy is still working from home as his office has been claimed for some sort of project. He had agreed to go back 1 day a week, but I think Boris heard and has decided to put a stop to that! So it is watch this space to see what is d...