
Showing posts from January 3, 2021

Lockdown 3; Day 4

 I am really finding this lockdown tough. Mikey is totally uninterested in school work, I am exhausted and my head is one hell of a mess, Andy is doing his best to work from home and I just want someone new to talk to. I know that I could talk to Andy, but I really don't want to pile my thoughts onto him; but I also still need someone to listen to all the panic and anxiety storming through me 24/7 as so many people are just ignoring what we all need to do and are yelling far louder than sensible beings. This selfishness is really upsetting me as I have been doing my beat to protect myself and my family for the last year, but a few people doing that is not enough.... Add on all the conspiracy idiots who are refusing to be vaccinated and I just want to curl up and cry whilst just waiting to die. It doesn't help when I hear about people I am related to being so stupid and exposing themselves and people close to them to this dangerous virus. This microscopic bug kills with no worry...

Lockdown 3; Day 3

The numbers are still going up - but then again the reduction that I hope is on its way will not arrive for another 2 weeks. I just hope everyone is actually obeying the rules and staying at home. London has just announced that there is a crisis due to hospitals being overwhelmed, something that is also happening in Kent and I am due in again next week for an investigation into why there is blood in my urine. A bit of shutting the door after the horse has bolted as the last test I did showed no blood, just white cells! But I'm sure they know what they are doing. It is odd that I have had the letter for next Tuesday, but the letter my GP sent on 31.12.2020 telling me I had a blood test yesterday has yet to arrive! The letter from the hospital is also dated 31 December... The nurse called yesterday to ask if I was waiting in the carpark - my response of 'no, what for' seemed to throw her! I doubt I helped when I told her that I am having blood tests next week and not before p...

Lockdown 3; Day 1

Well we are locked down. Mikey celebrated by not getting up until lunchtime which made fitting a days school work in totally impossible. Tomorrow he has to be up earlier as he has a Zoom call with his teacher at 9.30! He also has maths, spelling and guided reading to do. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I've done another test today, now I am just showing Leukocytes and Ketones - but only a trace of blood - far better than the +++ last week! But I'm still feeling drained and totally washed out. My appetite has also vanished and nothing we have appeals to me in the slightest. I may have a mug of hot chocolate before bed though. I have booked myself in for another load of bloodtests next Wednesday. I'm hoping my eGFR has gone up and my creatinine down! But the test today does imply the infection has not completely given up yet. I'm feeling so yucky I'm surviving on paracetamol and loads of fluid. The lockdown is getting to me at the moment. I haven't left ...

Lockdown 3 - 1 day

Well we were right - we go back into a full lockdown tomorrow until mid February. All schools are closed so we now have 6 weeks of home learning ahead, much to Mikey's disgust. But he is currently doing some Maths with Dad... This afternoon we are finishing part one of Wonder and answering some questions. I'm seriously considering sitting him in front of the film at some point! If we have time we will do some of the learning adventure, but I'm not sure we will! Home schooling aside I'm having a major wobble,. My immediate reaction last night was 'will I ever see my Mum again?' And someone asked me about support bubbles - I don't have one as all the so called family here are jsut waiting for me to die so providing any support just will not happen. It is all on poor old Andy as certainly the Psycho Bitch Queen really does not give a toss about what is going to happen to me. She certainly doesn't care what effect it may have on her son and grandson.  One th...

2021, here we go again...

 We are only into day 4 of 2021 and Scotland has now been put into full lockdown for the rest of this month. Boris is due to make an announcement for the UK at 8.00 this evening about what actions will be taken to try to protect us all from this new variant of the virus. |From a selfish point of view I am hoping that we don't go back into a full lockdown as I have got back onto the Marchwood course. Personnally I need the trees right now - even with the cold and mud! But technically I should still be shielding, but for my sanity I need to get away from the house occassionally for something other than going to hospital! Today was meant to be Mikey's 1st day home schooling...unfortunately he does not agree and has announced that school is not one of his priorities and as such he will not be doing any work! As for me, I'm still totally exhausted and have spent much of this morning throwing up (mostly bile which really does not help me feel any more human) I got to sleep fairly...


Well we made it through 2020 into a new year...But as I feared last year had one more hospital visit left for me. My GP sent me in last Tuesday but not to William Harvey just 1 junction down the motorway!! (Good really as the M20 was closed for operation Stack!!) But back to Kent and Canterbury; the hospital of my nightmares. I was referred to Urology as my dip test showed there were signs of yet more stones but my blood tests and a CT scan pretty much ruled those out! As my Kidney function and creatinine levels had dropped and increased I was referred to Renal and got to see my Consultants registrar as he was on call. It was decided my mix of antibiotics were the reason for the drop in function which has resulted in the increased creatinine. I peobably was not helped by the 1st person I spoke to not even sending a urine sample for testing and it explains why I am now feeling way beyond exhausted and not eating much. My Fitness Pal is getting decidedly angry with me at the moment as I ...