
Showing posts from February 28, 2021

Lockdown 3; Day 60

 Still been a tough few days. The first part of our appeal has gone to Lenham and has been received as the head teachers P.A. e-mailed to say they have got it. I have also contacted Godinton and asked for a report of any extra assitance and support which has been provided for Mikey. Miss Talbot will also outline why a smaller school is more suited for him. Part of me wishes he could stay there until he is 18. Plus I would also be keeping him close at hand...he is still up for wandering off on his own - usually ending up at the play park which is technically still closed unless you don't have a garden or open space (which he does!!) Unfortunately his tracking watch works fine as a phone - but can't track him at all! A total waste as it can't even find him when he is at home! At least I can put a tracker on his phone when he changes school!! I spent most of yesterday waiting for a GP to call me. I was eventually called at around 4pm by a practice nurse. She was lovely but got...

Lockdown 3; Day 56

Today has been even worse than yesterday - which, if I'm honest I didn't think was possible! 1. I thought I had put an order into Sainsbury's, but on checking the site and my e-mail I hadn't completed it. The fridge is empty and cat food and Dippers are on the verge of running out, the first delivery I could get was Saturday...So Andy is taking his life in his hands and heading out shopping later! 2. I phoned Lenham and asked them to call back when they are able - I am still waiting but KCC at least have had our request to go onto the waiting lists for both Wye and Lenham... but our fight would be better if we could get Mikey officially diagnosed. We have been on the 12 month waiting list for a year now and heard a total of sod all. But in the mean time I need to collect as much evidence as I can about the support/extra assistance he requires. 3. Mums birthday present was delivered. I| opened to package to find an empty jewellery box. Some picker in a warehouse has pick...

Lockdown 3; Day 55

 Today we got the news we really did not want. KCC have decided that Mikey should go to the North School. So far as I am aware KCC have no information about what sort of school he might need and it appears that all the kids who are 11 this year are randomly allocated to schools. In order to get to school Mikey would need 2 different buses; the chances of him actually arriving are zero. Plus the school has a massive intake and he would just vanish and get chewed up far too quickly. Andy also attended this school and definitely does not want Mikey going there. I have already sent a request to KCC asking to go onto the waiting lists for both Lenham and Wye Schools and I have sent out reasons as well - the form you have to fill in does not give any space to say anything personal about Mikey and surely that is actually important? These are kids, not autobots to just be moved into a new space for programming... This has really upset both of us...If I could move us out of Ashford I would;...

Lockdown 3; Day 54

 I'm sort of in countdown mode...I need lockdown to end, but I am terrified of being out and meeting people again. I've spent the last year keeping myself safe and away from Corona Virus as much as humanly possible and my brain is still concentrating on that. I know I need to get used to being out again but so many people just ignore doing anything vaguely sensible I am still terrified. But on the other hand I am so fed up of feeling so lonely and having nobody listening to me when I need to talk. (or just ignoring what I might need to talk about) One thing this pandemic has shown me is that I am stronger than I realised, but also that I am basically miserable and I have no clue how to cheer myself up any more. I'm not even sure that I want to cheer up, I can't remember what feeling happy actually feels like and I'm not sure I could cope with feeling anything.  My main problem at the moment is coping with my emotions. I just want to cry and sleep. I was going to do ...