Still Feeling Totally Yuck

My cough has not really improved much...But as I keep reminding Andy, sitting on a plane to Orlando usually sorts it out...!! Mikey is now at home with an inner ear infection - hopefully I will be forgiven for applying pressure in various points under instruction from the nurse practitioner as she could hear the yelps of pain!! He has antibiotics prescribed which we can pick up later. Having suffered really badly with ear infections growing up I can totally empathise and hope it passes soon so I can get some sleep!! Other health news - I have managed to book my 2nd jab!!! It will be tomorrow and means that aoon I will have as much protection as possible!! Makes me feel a whole lot happier and hopefully I will be less worried going out anywhere... Although I'm still not keen on being around too many people. Personally I am still feeling sick about 90% of the time and I have found that Sainsbury's Butter Mintoes help with the foul taste in my mouth and settling my stomach! Most ...