Anyone want a different infection??

I am feeling even more dead than the end of last week...I think it is safe to say that my antibiotics are not working and I just want to sleep for as long as I can. Mikey has decided that his Christmas holidays have started and is refusing point blank to do any of the work set for him. I know I should insist on him doing the work, but I just don't have the energy to argue with him. But I have talked to the head of Upper School so she and the FLO are aware that I am not in a fit state to force him to do anything! My only aim right now is to stay out of Hospital for Christmas. As Ashford's infection rate is 590.8 per 100,000 people I don't want to be anywhere near a hospital! Andy is so fed up with me feeling so rough he is now calling the Drs tomorrow to try to get me a Dr to talk to rather than a practice nurse...They are far too keen on just sending me into A&E rather than trying to help me beat whatever is taking up residence in my body. The current news about va...