Lockdown, Day 77

Another grey and damp day down here in the South East corner. Plus another night of broken sleep so I'm feeling even more washed out that usual... My mood has not been helped by seeing the latest definitions for the disease that is making my life such a hell. It is officially called Chronic Kidney Disease, but on the table I have seen this morning the stage I am currently at is now seen as the Disease WILL progress. Plus it is now classed as End Stage Kidney Disease. This has hit me hard as I was not aware that my future was so defined already. I guess in the back of my mind I was hoping that one day I would wake up with more energy and a pair of kidneys that are behaving themselves and working in the way they were designed to...But that is never going to happen. I have to get my head round the idea that my immediate future is full of spending 3 days a week at William Harvey in order to stay alive. That is a decidedly depressing thought and not one I can think my way out of, whatev...