Too much thinking...

 I am still battling my wonderful cough...I have been quite intrigued by the shape my hernia can create when I cough, if it didn't hurt so much it would be funny - but pain is taking that away from me.

On Friday we met an ex-work colleague of Andy for a coffee, after I walked around half of the old part of the Outlet Centre and I'm still paying the price for it. Andy was actually impressed at the speed I managed - but I now know that trying to do that was totally insane. I am also so fed up at my complete lack of energy. PALs have not bothered to call me back yet, my 2nd vaccine should be tomorrow - but nobody from Canterbury Hospital has called me, my blood pressure is way up - but my GP won't do anything about it as they don't want to mess with my meds. I probably need antibiotics to kick this cough into touch, but there are so few they can give me they just procrastinate until I go away. Ever feel that you are beyond unimportant? Because that is how I am feeling right now. My mood is just getting lower and lower; I have lost interest in most of the things I used to enjoy and even curling up with a book is too much now as I'd have to pay attention to the story.

If anyone has any bright ideas - PLEASE LET ME KNOW>

I have also just read an article about how other peoples behaviour towards Kidney Patients can have a serious impact on both mood and life I assume I'm dieing soon.


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