Lockdown; Take 2

I got my e-mail last night from the Health Secretary putting me back into shielding. Not quite as harsh as last time, but basically I'm still stuck at home until 2 December...

Our Lockdown started at 00.01 this morning,  in theory I was due in Marchwood this afternoon for a session. Andy has not been too happy about me going as to be honest I am really not feeling too well and my fatigue is just constantly worsening. (The usual treatment is just anti-depressants but I am limited with what my kidneys can cope with and most just make me eat constantly!) so I don't think he was too upset I wasn't going! I did contact Karen and also requested to self refer for January...Hopefully I may have that to look forward to!

Mikey appears to have had a better day today...the girl who kicked him has been told that whatever he might have said, kicking him is not an acceptable response. The toad who was bullying him has been told to stay away and Mikey has promised to tell his teachers if he says or does anything...hopefully happy Mikey will return soon 👨

As I am now back shielding again I really want to get my crochet project underway...just one small issue, I really need some wool!! None of my past craft attempts have included wool and I guess I will just have to trust Andy to go and get me some if he can!! No clue where he might be able to though!! In the meantime I do have a rather large painting I'm working on so I'm not likely to get bored!

My main issue at the moment is a total lack of appetite again. I've managed to fast for 24 hours without even thinking about it and I have had lunch today...but the flavour was awful which I know wasn't a true reflection of what I was eating, but the way my body is tasting it. Eating used to be fun...but not anymore. I need food with strong flavours and good texture to even entice me to taking a mouthful...if it isn't I just can't be bothered to eat.. I am very aware I need to eat, but if the flavour and texture aren't there it is just pointless in my head.


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