The Eve of Lockdown V.0002

 6 hours and 57 minutes until we are back in lockdown...Hopefully all the morons who thought it was all over and done with will behave and stop trying to find ways around the rules; it is only for 4 weeks after all, not exactly long in the grand scheme of life!

This time schools are not closing, but all activities which tire out children are! If kids are not a risk linked to  transmission of this thing why can't they dash around and play sport? I would love to hear the science behind this decision, and let Mikey and his friends debate it with them! That may reverse the decision pretty rapidly!

Mikey seems to be finding school particularly tough at the moment because of 1 obnoxious boy. This wimp is using mind games on Mikey who is certainly bigger than him. Mikey was threatened during the House Captain elections about what would happen if he voted for anyone else which worried him far too much until we discussed how elections work and the fact nobody else would know who he voted for. I also talked about how democracy works rather than dictatorships. Thankfully his tormentor lost resoundingly and we have brought this to the attention of the Head - unfortunately it is now down to Mikey to explain and he really does not like getting anyone into trouble so tends to brush things off as not important. If this happens I am making an appointment to go into school as I am not letting this continue as this is his last year at primary school and I want him to enjoy it as much as possible (it is even more important to me right now as my condition is worsening faster than I was expecting it to)

Andy is still working from home, which does mean I'm not alone with the cats who are really not great conversationalists; although Andy does tend to stick to grunts rather than words! But at least he rarely bites or scratches me, unlike Royston Grumbleguts Muckypaws!! Although he is slowly improving!!

Mikey has just come home in an even worse state...I am now waiting for the school to call me back and I'm close to storing in tomorrow to flatten the little toad.


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