Next step...

 Sleeping is still a challenge - but last night I got my own back and was, apparently snoring myself!! Well I guess something in my head decided that revenge was what was required!!

Before my revenge snore commenced I was doing my best to remove my skin! I can honestly say I have never been so itchy and all I wanted to do was rip my skin off so I could no longer feel the itch... I am also having fun going up and down the stairs, I get breathless really quickly and walking up the hill at the woods today almost had me on my knees. Before I have hardly noticed the hill at all, but now I think I may be dead by the time I get to the top. It is also not making my life exactly pleasant as I'm feeling sick approximately 99% of the time. Driving home in the mini bus left me with a tightly closed mouth as I was so close to throwing up.

My next job is to get booked in for a blood test. I really don't think I want to know what my Creatinine is up to now. Although I am interested to know how my iron is doing as I am constantly exhausted and feel 100% drained as soon as I get up. It is also fun trying to walk in a straight line most days. Standing up to quickly is also stupid, at the rate I'm going I am going to need padded floors for when I end up testing the give in each floor surface in the house 😓

Poor Mikey has had a tough week, one of his peers decided that it was his turn to get wound up. Mikey was set to use his head for target practice with rocks - so I e-mailed school and the Pastoral Team have been fantastic. His tormentor was placed in isolation for 2 days and his parents have been invited into school for a chat. For the last 2 days Mikey has been back to the happy, bouncy boy I love!! I just hope someone managed to get through to the moron who has been winding him up!


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