2020, nearly done!!!

I've been feeling decidedly reflective over the last few days... Finally 2020 is nearly done!

Kent has now been pushed in to Tier 4 and meeting anyone is verbotten!! The Christmas relaxation where people could meet up is now off in Tier 4...there is no mixing of households which has helped cheer me up as now Mikey will not be vanishing anywhere over Christmas and then returning laden with yet more plastic tat! But is also means I can't see anyone either, and the mood Andy is currently in having just got home from work I can't guarantee he will survive Christmas...

Looking back over 2020 my main memory other than feeling totally isolated is possums!!! During the first lockdown I heard about a woman in Australia posting about a possum who lived in her garage. He is named Pandy (obviously) and gets treated and spoilt! She has bought him a cat bed to sleep in and now it is getting warmer he now had a mattress covered in blue satin to make sure he doesn't over heat! I never expected to get so caught up in the life of a creature on the other side of the world!! When he went missing there were loads of us all over the planet holding our breath until he turned up again...

I love the way the poor Mums have to carry the joey on their back as well as in their pouch, it makes me think of the bond between Mums and their children; something I guess Dad's can't understand having never felt a child move inside them. |I have also been trying to convince someone Down Under to send me a pair of possums so I can introduce them to the UK!! But I'm not sure they would appreciate the weather and foxes over here...so maybe I'll just have an enclosure here...

My main aim right now is to try to get Mikey to do his Homework Trail for school. All I do is suggest it and he promptly says "NO" and then suggests he will do it on Christmas Day or after Christmas. I have pointed out he will probably want to play with whatever he gets for Christmas...But what do I know. If he doesn't get it done he can explain to his teacher why not. I have been nagging/suggesting since he went back after half term. I just wish he believed me when I tell him it is not going to get less as he carries on at school, just more and more and teachers at his next school will not let him off. It will HAVE to be done and he will not be able to talk his way out of it!

I still have not managed to see a Dr about my wonderful infection...but I now have yet another course of antibiotics and they are at least going to culture my sample to try to find what will kill it off. I'm still feeling completely washed out but I'm also getting far too good at not sleeping again. I hate feeling so dead all the time. One thing I have noticed recently is that my handwriting is awful. My hands just don't seem to grip the pen when I'm writing and getting dressed is one hell of a challenge as my left side just won't react in the way I want it to. Putting trousers etc on often results in my collapsing on the bed and my left shoulder is extremely sore, sleeping on my left side - which is my preferred side is actually painful and keeps me awake. I really want to keep going as I want to see Mikey grow up. But if I'm honest I am not sure I actually can.


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