Lockdown 3; Day 52

 Well we have arrived at another Friday! Mikey is worried that School starts on Monday (Just a week early) and he wants to 'do' something this weekend! He really has not grasped this Lockdown thing!!

To be honest I would love to go somewhere....anywhere!! But nowhere is open yet and I think the Egg Machine would run out of attraction for Mikey pretty quickly! Half of me is tempted to head to a wood with a camera - but again Mikey would really not be overly impressed!

I am pleased he will be returning to school soon. I have noticed that he is getting far to comfortable with just his company and I am getting fed up with trying to extract him from his bedroom. Another reason I need a dog - I could just send it into his pit to pull him out! Much healthier for me!! I am coming up with some really good reasons to have another furry kid....plus it would be such a special 50th Birthday gift after the hell of the last few years.... Preferably a Norbert!!!

My sleep is getting better - falling asleep has been easier recently, but staying asleep is still one hell of a challenge - especially if Andy is in snoring mode which is happening this week as he is on call...so no machine in use! Plus last night I forgot to wear my sleep mask/headphones. Must put that on tonight!!

Mikey has announced that he is enjoying his sleep again, and please could we not take his remote controls and phone away? He has been told to just come in to us and ask for them! Hopefully he will not wake up too early or Mum will probably not be polite! Now I see why Dad opted for the left side of the bed - the furthest away from door... I feel it is time for an invasion of the left so Dad can deal with Mikey and his remotes etc!!


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