Lockdown 3; Day 55

 Today we got the news we really did not want. KCC have decided that Mikey should go to the North School. So far as I am aware KCC have no information about what sort of school he might need and it appears that all the kids who are 11 this year are randomly allocated to schools. In order to get to school Mikey would need 2 different buses; the chances of him actually arriving are zero. Plus the school has a massive intake and he would just vanish and get chewed up far too quickly. Andy also attended this school and definitely does not want Mikey going there.

I have already sent a request to KCC asking to go onto the waiting lists for both Lenham and Wye Schools and I have sent out reasons as well - the form you have to fill in does not give any space to say anything personal about Mikey and surely that is actually important? These are kids, not autobots to just be moved into a new space for programming...

This has really upset both of us...If I could move us out of Ashford I would; Maidstone's High Schools are no where near as bad as the schools available here. Plus it would get me away from here as well...Maidstone hospital has a renal unit with the same consultants as Canterbury so my care would not alter and I might even be happier away from the sheer volume of people who hate me. Andy and I could start our marriage again without the interference we have had over the last 19 years. But getting Andy out of Ashford would probably require a nuclear device to get him to move west!

I have not been helped by my lack of sleep last night. When he is on call Andy does not wear his Bpap mask so snores...for the 1st 90 minutes last night I had a pillow folded around my head. He then went downstairs for a while - but all I did was start to worry about the announcements today. He soon went back to his snoring so I retreated to the bathroom for a while and then settled and read a book! So I now need to find another book to read as that one is all done!! I didn't get to listen to Mikey's back to school session, but I was around for maths and the teacher has my total sympathy as the whole group just appear to pick their favourite numbers for any answers! Even when lots of clues are given in the question... And I thought I was bad at fractions!

Even though we now know the current decision (which we are going to turn down) I'm still feeling extremely sick. We now have to wait until April when we get the 1st/next decision. If that doesn't go our way then we have to go through an independant appeal process. All I know is that I am not letting my precious son got to that school. It is the worst place for him and if needed he will be home schooled until I can find him a place at a school that is acceptable to Andy and me. Right now I am really missing my Dad - he would know exactly what to do and who to talk to. I could so do with a chat with him now...



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