Moving on...

 I have just had to go and pick Mikey up from School as a child within his bubble has tested positive for covid. Good old Mikey fist bumped him at school when he was in yesterday so he is at risk, bless him!!

I hadn't realised how cold it is out there and as usual Mikey was one of the last kids out! But thankfully I had permission to leave the way I went in - the alternative was to walk out of the main entrance and then back to where I had left the car! But Miss Talbot said I didn't have to do that and we were back and leaving before we saw the kids who came out before Mikey coming back to the car park! 

I have checked the school website and no work has been set yet - and Mikey is positive no work is expected to be done today. I also warned the Head it is  not likely that much will get done! Mikey is most excited that he doesn't have to wear his uniform again until January...

The main local news is that the vaccine has arrived at William Harvey and innoculation has commenced! Mum has cancelled Christmas together as Medway currently has the highest rate of Covid in the UK and she doesn't want to expose me to the risk. Christmas will happen again once everyone has been jabbed and is protected! So the Zerfahs Christmas is going to be decidedly quiet this year, but hopefully (fingers crossed) all three of us will be together this year!

At the moment Andy is in the garden on a phone call, Mikey is making a racket up stairs and a cat is crunching biscuits in the kitchen. I'm busy writing this and drinking a mug of tea in an attempt to get warm again!

The weather today is cold and crisp! Best positive description that I could come up with! It was nice to actually see sunlight though! In theory now Mikey should not leave the house for the next 14 days! But I think he will need to be thrown out at some point each day! At least during the 1st lockdown the weather was great and he was out lots...


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