Had enough

 I have moved on from Covid to Bronchitis! I have a lovely and very productive cough which is now exhausting me even more than normal.

We got the latest update from KCC re Mikey's next school yesterday. As I sort of expected thay changed nothing at all; but I also got an e-mail from Lenham advising me to not lose hope as they are now working through the kids who Mikey is part of and will be in touch if a place comes up. So now it is just a case of waiting again while all the Grammar appeals are got through in Maidstone and Ashford. Part of me is still tempted to get him into another Maidstone school to be honest, but then he would be so far from any friends he makes. I am just terrified of what could happen to him and how going to the North will change him from the lovely boy I know he is. I guess it is also linked to how much I hate living over here. I'm a west Kent girl, not East. I have never felt settled and at home here, but I have no idea where I would feel that now; maybe a new country is the answer. A croft on a Scottish Island is appealing at the moment, miles from anywhere and nobody telling me what I should do or think...Or failing that a castle in the Scottish Highlands...Andy in a kilt would be amusing for me at least!!

Today I should have been heading to the woods at March Wood, but after a night of Andy barking at odd times and not much relaxing sleep I have bailed. I really don't think I could have made it up the hill to the camp so I don't want to hold everyone else up. Plus I can't get as annoyed by anyone else today.

Eating is still exceedingly challenging, nothing I eat has any flavour and that reduces any pleasure I get from food at all. And if I'm not enjoying it I really can't be bothered to eat. Mostly I just cook Mikey's constant request for Dippers and then shove something in the oven for Andy. But by not eating I'm not losing any weight. so I'm feeling totally stuck. I need to be referred to a Renal Dietician - guess that is on the list of questions for next month... Still waiting for PALs to get back to me, only 2 weeks late now. Stuppidly I didn't get the name of the bloke I spoke to or any reference.


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