Lockdown, Day 40

Well it is Friday of one hellishly long week... I'm now sat happily watching Graham Norton, trying to relax as I really need some sleep tonight! Last night I was still trying to sleep at 3am and this morning getting up didn't happen very early! But I was fully dressed before the small person managed it!

Most of lunchtime was filled by conversations with the booking department at Kent and Canterbury Hospital. Tomorrow we are off to William Harvey for a Corona Virus Swab test prior to my Colonoscopy on the 11th May. I actually got a letter last week telling me it was suspended for the forseeable future... so I'm having it done in 10 days provided my swabs come back negative! As my last test was negative and I have not been anywhere or have seen anyone for the last 4 weeks hopefully the next results will be the same! 

I also have to collect a pack next week with laxatives for the time before the procedure...so another trip to William Harvey on Wednesday. My life is going to be so exciting!! I have also had to stop taking my iron tablets as they need to be totally out of my system as they could damage the scope!! I'm not upset about stopping them as the effect they have is rather yucky! I also have to reduce my insulin by 20% the night before and not eat after lunchtime on the 10th and only clear fluid in the evening and morning! Andy and Mikey are not allowed into the hospital as it is Covid free so will be staying in the carpark whilst I get scoped! I have requested to be sedated as I'm pretty sure it is not an experience I want to 'enjoy' in any detail! Onc e I've come round and had a cup of tea I an allowed home to recover fully! I just wish I didn't have to drink tea as it gives me a headache!!

I then have to make an appointment with my GP for them to discuss and findings and or results...that will probably be the hardest bit, convincing them to actually see me and to be told what is actually going on as most of the time their assumption is that I will not understand anything!

Mikey has had a pretty easy day....I had a chat with the school FLO this morning and he was busy in his room yelling about something! He has managed to do his mathletics test today with a result of 85% which I was quite happy with. We had a mini meltdown halfway through but by the end there were giggles! Trying to get his to do much else just results in me smashing my head against a Mikey Brick Wall and I end up getting anxious and depressed while he carries on doing his own sweet thing!


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