Lockdown, Day 97

I am really not designed to cope with hot weather...It is actually cooler today but I am still not coping and my overwhelmming urge is to just collapse and sleep for as long as I can. While I'm typing this Mikey is in his bedroom yelling at his x box at the top of his voice. Andy is sat behind me muttering angrily and I am too tired to do anything to sort if out, even though my lovely |Super Ego keeps telling me I should, my Ego is just yelling back MIGHT and I am just going to leave it up to the 2 of them to fight it out and the winner to let me know what the result is!

While I try to ignore the yells of \I'm Dead and Duuuude from upstairs my headache is growing heavier and heavier. We did have a storm early this morning but the air really does not feel any clearer to me. The news from Glasgow is also worrying me as I have a horrible feeling it could spark off yet more riots as I believe on victim (or possibly the assailant) may be a person of colour ( to use the acceptible wording) and the general public need very little to incite them into rioting or expressing their displeasure. 3 months of Lockdown is enough and rioting and/or forming large masses of the public will not help to reduce the infection rate if they keep doing mad things.

I am also starting to feel even more worthless than usual. I keep telling yself that All Lives Matter, but having Black Lives Matter pushed in my face so often is starting to make me feel like a minoritiy in the country I was born in and totally unimportant or of any matter to anyone as I happen to have had 2 white parents. NO COLOUR SHOULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OTHER. I thought the aim was for equality, and having read Animal Farm, nobody should be more equal than anyone else. Equality is it, Equal. It is quite simple to me but all this trying to wipe out history is making me angry. In my mind History is there for us to learn from. After all most victims of the Nazis Camps were white as there were simply not that many people of colour in Europe...but if there had been I'm sure they would have been targeted as not fitting the Aryan Norm; so should all the camps be razed the the earth as they are abhorant to memory? I'm sure the Jewish community would have a fair amount to say about that, they appear to prefer keeping them to try to ensure no future generation acts in such a way, wiping out a part of the population they don't agree with. I would expect the Gay community would side with the Jewish People as many of their members were also led into the shower blocks, never to emerge again. 

One way I do agree is the commemeration of slave traders in many of out port cities. But tearing down statues and renaming streets will not wipe out what they did. We need to remember what they did to a vast number of people in the right way. Wiping them out of memory will not do that and runs the risk of making them seem exciting and interesting in all the wrong ways. We should never forget that we accepted and were part of the trading of people in the past. We know it was wrong and nered to remember that and educate the generations following us. Although slavery is now banned there are still groups buyingh and selling people across various borders - predominantly white people and very often female in one of the oldest professions still in existance, but nobody is campaigning against that are they?-It has scared me how many people of eastern origin just assume that all white women are easy and can just be used in any way they wish. They protect their sisters and daughters, but any other female is available and if they say No they actually really mean yes. We need to educate all people to be respectful of everyone else and that their colour has no bearing on anything. What they say is important and should be taken at face value , assumptions should never be made and are wrong in any circumstance.

                        This was 10 years ago...I'd had the baby - but he needed a nap!!! 


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