
 Today did not start well as I could not get to sleep last night. When I did managed to fall asleep the poxy cat jumped on me and woke me up. Nobody cared even though I did wake Andy up to tell him...

Mikey has come home from school apparently quite happy! We have had a look at the Wye School virtual tour, he likes it (as so I!!) and we are booked in for a tour of Towers during half term. He is off to The North with Andy this week I believe so we are then in a position to make a decision with as much info as we can get in this climate of Covid 19. I'm feeling happier that we have looked as safely as possible as this decision will be possibly for the next 7 years...

I have only managed to have lunch in the last hour or so (it is now nearly 5pm!!) and British Gas have been to service the old boiler! Plus I managed to remember what the question was that Andy wanted to ask, and I've remembered the answer!! Wow, I am on a roll today!!

One think I do remember from last night when I did get some sleep was that I had a long chat to Dad. I know he told me something important but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. It has been driving me up the wall all day - hopefully I will repeat it tonight and manage to remember it this time. If he remembers what I'm like I ;m sure he will tell me again as I always had to be told things at least twice in the past...

Yesterday Mikey saw a trailer for Top Gear and asked if he could watch it. I had already set it to record as I used to watch it for work purposes....(good enough excuse for me) I watched it earlier to ensure it was OK for a 10 year old and I can only assume they were on their best behaviour as they have moved to BBC1!! He has decided that watching it in bed this evening is the best idea! I'm not going to argue as I managed to giggle a load during it! I'm not sure Freddie means to be that funny, but I was in tears when he was using the She Wee and missed!!


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