Topsy Turvy

 I appear to have turned everything upside down at the moment.

Poor Andy is unable to use his cpap machine as it keeps beeping all night, so hasn't really worn it this year. He has also mastered snoring loudly with his mouth shut! Just after midnight I gave up as I really couldn't take anymore so relocated to the sofa/

Misty joined me for a while but then got bored with sleep so buggered that point Rory took her place next to me and started snoring as well. I did debate moving out to the car, but decided that as 4c it was far too cold - plus knowing me I'd set the alarm off and wake everyone else up!

I finished off my latest Netflix series, got angry as they are not making a 2nd series and it really didn't answer anything 😢 So I moved onto re-watching Call the Midwife from the beginning again!  I kept spotting actors I knew who I had totally forgotten were in it! By 6am I was cold so went back to bed...Andy woke me up at 3pm to make sure I was still alive! Apparently I was talking this morning about patterns rubbing off out plain, painted walls; I have zero recollection of this and Andy quickly took the decision to ignore me - possibly the best one to make when I'm talking complete crap!

Having convinced Mikey to let me have to bathroom before he went in for a sit!! I made it downstairs and decided I was far too late to even consider lunch, but as I watched the new Dame in Whitby, I was craving fish and chips which we opted for to provide and easy dinner! Thankfully I got to eat mine with no feline assistance for once! I'm now just guzzling liquid as I'm so thirsty...



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