Lock down 2; a few positives

As this current chaotic pandemic is starting to look as though it is going to last for months rather than days I've been looking for the things that make me happier!

In the past I admit I have been slightly addicted to Smooth Radio as it is very 'light' music and pretty relaxing. I was also slightly fond of Encore whilst it was on DAB! Earlier this year it stopped altogether and I discovered Magic at the Musicals. Thanks to Alexa I can just ask for it and I can settle in bed and listen to a range of songs from Shows I have either loved or really want to see! I have now also discovered some new shows that are being added to my list! Unfortunately Andy doesn't really get any choice in radio stations, ut he hasn't moaned to much so far; and he should be grateful that I'm not trying to sing!!

I have also enjoyed getting to spend more time with Andy; if anything else this pandemic has let me get closer to me little family than I have been for years. And as we are getting closer to the time when Mikey will stop talking to me at all I am enjoying all the little chats and hugs while I can! I've also been trying to convince him to talk to Andy more; mainly as if anything happen to me they will already have a basis to build a closer relationship on... I guess I just want things in place in case they are needed as I know the family in Ashford will not help out of any feelings that they care as they have made it very clear over the past few years that they don't.

Misty has also been, for her, very affectionate! She has even let me pick her up for cuddles - especially when she is cold! One day she might even agree to sit on my lap when I need warmth! Rory has actually stopped snapping as much and has been cuddling up to me when I'm downstairs on the nights I can't get to sleep! He will occasionally let me tickle his tummy without trying to draw blood in payment! That is a huge step forward for him, ne is still a decidedly confused cat who doesn't quite trust that his life will not disappear in a puff of smoke. I just wish I could get him to believe that he is not going anywhere; I'm pretty sure even Misty would miss him if he did!

The plan for this week is hopefully to get the tree etc up at the weekend! This is my idea of heaven as both Mikey and I are looking forward to the extra lights...twinkly white lights always make me happy!


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