Lockdown 2 - How do I find some Energy

 My mental wellbeing has had one heck of a knock this weekend. I spent all of last week actually feeling fragile, but over the weekend it had increased in its ferocity. 

I am totally exhausted and sleeping is not helping it ease in the slightest. If I'm honest I could happily fall asleep and stay that way for as long as possible. A second Coma is exceedingly appealing right now. When I am awake the pains and aches are getting progessively worse. My elbows are so painful I just want to cry. I can't phone my GP as telling them I have no energy and just ache sounds pathetic; but it is affecting my everyday life now. Moving hurts and my head is so dizzy all the time walking or moving in a straight line simply doesn't happen. I know my GP will just tell me that it is all linked to my CKD and there is nothing that can be done. Does this mean I know have years of this ahead of me and how do I get to enjoy my existance again? If I can't what is the point of carrying on? Maybe it is time for a trip to Switzerland to fall into an eternal sleep so I don't have to think anymore.

It is not just my elbows that ache, every single joint seems to ache, grate on movement and has stabbing pains as very odd intervals. Basically my body is fighting me every second and it is getting harder and harder to find reasons to carry on. I know I should for Mikey, but I'm just getting more and more depressed and that is something he really doesn't wand or need to see. Even simple things leave me feeling washed out and exhausted. Washing and drying my hair is painful and leaves me desperate for sleep to recover even a little from it. The idea of shaving all my hair off is very close to happening. Anyone who knows me will realise that it is really getting to me as my hair is one of the few parts of me that I actually love; shaving it off is the last thing that I would ever want to do.

Feeling so alone here is not helping me either. the few members of family that are here want nothing to do with me; this also leaves Andy and Mikey without support which leaves me feeling even more isolated and worried. Everything is always on the terms of 1 person and I do not want her to have any hold or control over Mikey. I don't want done to him what was done to Andy.


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