Lockdown 2; Is there a light flickering?

 The news this week has been full of information about various vaccines. A question was asked on Facebook about who would have it. I appear to be in a very small minority as I feel we need it in order to get vaguely back to whatever normal will be in the future. One friend is concerned as they do not yet know how long any antibodies will last, that doesn't bother me too much as I guess everyone will be monitored and we can be topped up if needed! As I have not left home over the last 2 weeks I am battling cabin fever again. Today has been wet and horrible, plus I was up all night and once I went to bed I was woken by a couple of calls from school so I am now running on zero. What usually happens at this point is that I pass out and finally get some sleep. Hopefully that will happen again and I will sleep regardless of any snoring happening! Failing that I still have quite a few episodes of Call the Midwife to watch and we have only watched 1 episode of The Crown so far...

Mikey has brought his first report home for this year and it was great, but because they count authorised absences as actual absences it showed as low attendance. He read that as him doing something wrong so Mum went into battle for her cub! School should know by now not to upset him as I will always fight for him! Mind you I have also been fighting for Andy...people should really stop annoying or upsetting me at the moment as I'm far more likely to react!

I have also worked out why CKD is upsetting me so much a the moment. It is simply due to nobody being able to give me any timescales and me feeling in limbo all the time, especially difficult for me at this time of year simply as it is too dark and I'm too exhausted to fight the way it makes me feel. 

I also over think things far too much, my head has pretty much blamed me for covid simply because I was looking forward to Christmas so much having missed it completely last year. I have built it up into something so important the fact that it is under threat is making me feel worse....and my wonderful brain equates all this into me being responsible for Covid 19 attacking the world... Maybe I need some serious Id time as soon as possible!!

Today has not gone too well so far, I've eaten ginger biscuits and had a mug of lemon tea, but the thought of eating is making my stomach churn horribly and I'm fairly sure I would have been redecorating the kitchen if I'd eaten anything more solid...At least I might manage to lose some mass before Christmas arrives, provided Boris doesn't cancel it!!



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