Lockdown 3; Day 28

 Feeling really rough today. My arm hurts loads and I'm dizzy; sleeping was a whole different problem, sleeping on my left arm is impossible but that didn't stop me trying! I spent most of the night alternating between too hot and freezing and wanting to sleep on the opposite side to that which was possible! It was a very long night...

Right now I'm OK until I try to use it! I am so relieved I didn't have it in my right arm!! I can take things easy today as I'm not having my PCR test until tomorrow...they are now worried about the South African version of the virus down here so are testing 80,000 people to try to track it and stop it as soon as they can. For once I am still doing as I'm being told to  -  This never happens so I am recording it for posterity!!

We took Mikey's remote controls away last night, as well as his phone. So he just came downstairs to watch TV. He helped himself to apple juice but left the glass out and all the lights on!   I am slightly at a loss as to how to stop him, plus he fell asleep during his maths zoom lesson this morning as he was so tired. He is currently fast asleep upstairs catching up on the sleep he didn't have over night. I am very aware that all he is doing is copying me, but I hate not sleeping and I do not want him to get used to it. Maybe we need a big cot again that he can't get out of? At the age he is, that is basically a jail cell.

I've had my first lot of paracetamol today and would prefer something stronger if I'm honest; everything aches and hurts. Please, can anyone else working on a vaccine try to remove the side effects...


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