Lockdown 3; Day 42

 No idea if this will make any sense at all. I woke up at a sensible time, tried to get up to go to the bathroom, crumpled in a head and woke up again at 11.00! I can honestly say I am feeling totally exhausted and 100% drained - all I want to do is sleep until I don't need to sleep any more! All I want to do is wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new day rather than opening my eyes and feeling despair and exhaustion.

Mikey only managed to get up 20 minutes ago! Yesterday he did appear downstairs before 12! He was very proud of himself but had only managed to put a pair of shorts on. Today he appeared wearing only his pants, but vanished back upstairs to put some clothes on! But even though it is pouring he is still in shorts and a t shirt! He did put a jumper on at least twice last week...but now it is apparently too warm to wear anything sensible!! I have decided that I am not going to ever try to understand my son, it just frazzles my brain far too much!

Poor Andy is busy working right now....he did do a quick dash into work yesterday - at least my car got a run as he took it rather than his! To be honest if the weather was better I would love to go out in her as I drive so rarely now - but I would prefer better weather and me feeling more alert as the idiots are still around on the roads and they don't need me helping by falling asleep!

I have recently managed to get back into my diamond painting, but my right wrist keeps giving out after not very long. But it does help me to relax...But I need to learn how to frame them and find a place for my first show!!! I also need to start sewing my squares together for my blanket! The pile is growing nicely and I really need to learn how to do something other than a square and the basic stitch! But I need a working brain for that!


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