Lockdown 3; Day 71

Monday is still doing it's best to make me angry and totally fed up. I got more blood results through on Patient View this morning and my Urea clearly shows I was dehydrated. As I have said, during my 6 hours in Emergency care I got no water at all - even though I kept asking for it, and the only IV I had was paracetamol and was a very small amount of fluid. This has resulted in me getting exceedingly angry again this morning and my usual paranoia is kicking in and thinking that on my notes it tells the staff not to properly look after me. In the past when Andy was allowed to stay with me he was great at making sure I kept drinking whilst I was stuck in hospital (which always feels a really dry environment to me...)

One plus point is that I have got hold of a number for Dr Klebe. I hope this will mean I can avoid the Canterbury Hospital switchboard which appears to be free of humans and I hate talking to machines! I am trying to keep my stress levels under control and automated switchboards do not help with that!

Today has not helped as I am mostly feeling very nauseous and my back is killing me. I've nearly run out of my extra strong paracetamol as well... I am still considering adding wine in to try to at least numb rather than kill the pain. When all this started in 2008 I experienced no pain at all from the stones except for the Wednesday I was sent home ill. But since I had Mikey I have been 'feeling' more pain. I did manage a heart attack in 2014 without noticing, but since then I feel pain. But as my kidney function has fallen and I am unable to take most over the counter pain relief I am getting more and more grumpy and fed up when I'm experiencing any kind of pain. I know I used to be able to just brush this off and keep going, but not anymore 😠  


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