Teenager Already??
Mikey has come home today in the worst mood I have seen from him, EVER.
Apparently it was a silent drive home so I followed the stomping upstairs and eventually got something out of him. After a pretty good start he HATES his school. His class keep talking when they shouldn't and all of them get told off - as Mikey is over sensitive to noise this really sets his anxiety off. He also is not impressed at being told to keep his shirt tucked in and the fact people get detention even if they are only 30 seconds late. He hasn't been late - but is doing his usual Mikey thing and worrying in advance.
We have also been telling him how proud we are at the number of achievement points he has already collected; but we are just saying we are proud and don't really mean it. How am I meant to get him to believe me when I tell him how well he is doing and how proud of him I am??
Personally this has hit me hard - I was really hoping he was settling in and we were over the worst, but it appears we are not. He is still very unwilling to talk to Andy which means he prefers dumping it on me. I have just sent an e-mail to the member of staff who is keeping an eye on him to basically warn her that today has not gone well. They ring me fast enough so I hope they take notice when we contact them. Nothing in any of the books they give you when you are pregnant warns you how useless your pre-teen can and will make you feel. I am so close to just breaking down and sobbing as I can't help him.