Day 5

Not a good day really, all I want to do is burst into tears and when asked a little while ago I couldn't explain why...but now I know...

Why are people so stupid? THe vaccine protects us from Covid but it is not a complete shield. All it does is stop the virus taking too big a hold and trying its best to kill us. After innocculation  we can still catch it and; more importantly pass it on. Therefore we still need to keep taking precautions, wearing masks and following the rules. As it is a sneaky little bugger we may well need to have another jab or 2 in the autumn to keep us safe. And to be honest I am happy to stay in the UK this year as Europe is currently fighting hard against it. So why on earth would I want to test my protection by going somewhere just because it might be warmer than the UK. If heat is that important get a fire pit or turn your heating up! It is better for your and your families health. 

The number of conspiracy theories are also winding me up. |How can the Government make long term plans with a mutating virus which keeps changing the rules? If they let everyone go to, for example, football matches without making sure peoplpe have taken every precaution (jabs, masks etc) then they are failing. They don't announce things too early or we end up with the problem we had at Christmas when rocketing numbers meant the plans to allow meeting up had to be abandoned. People just have to be flexible and UNDERSTANDING. Is that really too hard to grasp and go along with?

Having spent a year shielding to keep myself alive I'm now seriously considering if I actually want to go back into the world filled with idiots who are so inflexible and selfish. I assume these conspiracy theorists happily clapped for the NHS before the Government started trying ot control and them and deny their basic human right to kill themselves and their families. Maybe Darwinism has a place again.


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