Lockdown, Day 79

Today is proving to be a challenge...I was up and hiding in the bathroom at 3am this morning just to escape from Andy's snoring! Last nights effort was seriously impressive and even my headphones with spotify playing as loud as I could take it was not enough to block his concerto out!

My other problem last night was the way my brain wasin full 'dash around the planet' mode. My main worries were about the people who currently occupy this world. I have been shut in the house since the end of March without going anywhere. Yet, as lockdown starts to be eased, they dash out to protest about the death of a drug taking, armed robber in America. I know I have only visited one city in that country, but at the time I was there seeing police men who were armed terrified me. I certainly wouldn't have fought them, but then again I am a privileged white woman so I probably wouldn't have to.

But this weekend most cities in this country have been filled with the screaming hordes yelling how Black Lives Matter and in the process no social distancing has been observed and statues and monuments have been defaced. Churchill who saved us all from the threat of Nazism has been branded a racist as he was trying to maintain the Empire and the Colonial aspect of the country at that time. But he was following what the majority of the population wanted (remember, No Dogs, Irish or Blacks) He was doing what he was expected to - at that time coloured skin in this country were rare and unusual and yes, they were prejudiced against, but the majority of the population were scared more than anything else as they did look different. But now we have had years of education and most people here are not so narrow minded or reactionary - except for the right wing ( but personally I think they are beyond help and I would rather get rid of them instead) What this weekend protesters have carefully forgotten is that without Churchill, if they were not blond with blue eyes they would have probably have been sent to a camp with those wonderful Nazi shower Units utilised for clearing up problem groups. A protest like this weekend would have most likely have been stopped with maximum force and no amount of shouting would have stopped the SS etc opening fire with live rounds on anyone not thinking in the way the Reich wanted them to. Plus, over the weekend the daily death toll has fallen below 3 figures for 2 days running, but after all those 1000s of people have been sharing space etc what is it going to look like in 14 days? Will Lockdown be reimposed as they were all bored and found an excuse to grab their constitutional right to protest, whatever the cost to the population as a whole? And did anyone even consider that people in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity group are more likely to die from this invisible virus that they have all been happily spreading for the 48 hours they were all feeling self rightuous?

Over night I was just getting more and more angry at how stupid and selfish they all were. I spent years trying to have a child, and now when they are asked to do something as simple as self distancing, they ignore it and put 2 months of people behaving and staying safe at risk for 1 man in America who, if I'm honest, I am sad about the way he was treated, but the policemen responsible are being held to account. And knowing the gun happy US public may well never survive to stand trial. But I assume if they do get to the accused, they will be held as a hero for riding the earth of such dirt... How will this ever end?

As my brain was so busy overnight, I am dead on my feet today and actually happy to be at home as I am far to tired to people today. I have rediscovered my love of Mah Jong, but my brain hasn't been getting as involved with it as I hoped it would! I'm hoping tonight I will pass out and simply sleep with now interruptions. |I'm still waiting for my new prescriptions to come through so I'm not starting my 90 days of antibiotics yet and I've fun out of the diuretics that my GP was unable to prescribe - but my Consultant feels are essential and has done it and pretty much ordered them to carry on until he tells them to stop!! He is officially my new Hero!    

This was me 4 years ago, no way am I going back to being a brunette, although I have yet to experience the fun of being a blonde...


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