Lockdown, Day 73

The whole world appears to be going mad - and not over Covid 19 for once, but over the death of a man called George Floyd. Any death is one death to many, but the Americans do seem to be reacting and using this death as an excuse. The riots in various US cities are causing Millions of Dollars in damage (physical and mental) whilst the mobs, which seem to have a high number of white member scream for the blood of a policeman who probably felt he was working within the orders he has been given.

Personally I feel they should be yelling at the Orange Idiot they elected 4 years ago. I vaguely remember his administration having a few black faces at the start, but recently it is decidedly WASP and black faces are totally out of sight. He has also threatened to send the army in to deal with the rioters...I am unable to remember any other US President using the military to quash a public uprising in the past. Is it wrong for me to hope that the people of the United States may remember all of this when the got to vote in November and remember just how he mishandled a global pandemic and their own misgivings of the treatment of a man in police custody.

I thing I am now sure about is why he was even being arrested - the wonderful media appear to have forgotten that particular detail or judged it to be completely unimportant.

I am also finding it hard to accept the 'Black Lives Matter'  Slogan, in my mind surely all lives matter? I accept that over many years white skin has lorded itself as being more valuable than Black, but I am also aware that positive discrimination does not work. All that happens is that the part of the communitity that people are attempting to discriminate in favour of just becomes hated, Disliked and actually discriminated against even more. I would have though that is is in humanities interest to push for Human Lives Matter and include all people equally? Having said that I have probably upset vegitarians and vegans, but I can't worry about any more species right now. I read a Meme recently that asked everyone on the planet to smoke weed at once to bring a few hours of peace to the planet; After the year we have had so far, a few hours of peace sounds wonderful. Having just thought again, maybe All Lives Matter, covering all sentinent beings...
                                     Back to Dungeness, I really need to relax and chill out!!


Manky Badger said…
I am reliably assured that anyone of a white British background is automatically racist by default... I am also reliably informed that I personally am responsible for hundreds of years of slavery.
And any attempt to deny any of this is just confirming that I am a racist....
I've seen some rather odd opinions expressed recently

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