Lockdown 3; Day 85

 Today is my last day of shielding, I received my official discharge type letter today - but I get the impression that they are reserving to right to push us back in if they need to - after all they have already done that!!

The thought of actually being allowed out is still a scary concept...far too many people are of the opinion that the pandemic is over or that it actually never happened. There is also the train of thought that masks to do need to be worn once you have had one jab. The science has made it very clear that this is not the case and you need both plus a period of time after the second to have maximum protection. Plus even when jabbed you can still carry and pass on the virus. It all make sense to me and I did not science at all after the age of 16! So just how imbecilic do people have to be to put themselves and those (if any) that they love?

Last night I ended up really angry at the news - it was full of self rightous filled snowflakes who are just trying to cause as much trouble as they can in their 15 minutes of fame. From women accusing all private schooled males of being rapists to the women who are using the murder of Sarah Everard to stop people abusing them by silencing them. As a woman who has been abused; I feel their shrill yelling and abuse of a truly horrific event is just as abusive as the so called issues they are going on about. I think I may avoid the news for a while...my stress levels are high enough without more so called 'woke' reporting. Both the BBC and Sky wound both Andy and I up last night.

Mikey is still recovering from his boy flu! But from the sheer amount of noise he has produced today means that he is going back to school tomorrow! It may only be for one day, but he is fit to return and he at least gets to see everyone and make plans for his break if he wants to! At least we know he is perfectly able to take himself to the local park and call us if he has a problem or needs us...usually it is simply that he is tired and wants his car to come and collect him!


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