Well we made it through 2020 into a new year...But as I feared last year had one more hospital visit left for me.

My GP sent me in last Tuesday but not to William Harvey just 1 junction down the motorway!! (Good really as the M20 was closed for operation Stack!!) But back to Kent and Canterbury; the hospital of my nightmares. I was referred to Urology as my dip test showed there were signs of yet more stones but my blood tests and a CT scan pretty much ruled those out! As my Kidney function and creatinine levels had dropped and increased I was referred to Renal and got to see my Consultants registrar as he was on call. It was decided my mix of antibiotics were the reason for the drop in function which has resulted in the increased creatinine. I peobably was not helped by the 1st person I spoke to not even sending a urine sample for testing and it explains why I am now feeling way beyond exhausted and not eating much. My Fitness Pal is getting decidedly angry with me at the moment as I am not eating anywhere near enough :( 

The Registrar has told me to drink at least 3 litres of fluid a day...which means even though I'm not eating I'm not losing any weight as I am now a stumbling, collapsing water bed. (This next part may be TMI, but I'm not peeing as much as normal so the extra liquid I'm taking in is just sloshing around and not going anywhere. It is tempting jsut to cry it out but I think that would drive Andy right over the edge.)

This year is also starting in the wat 2020 ended with home schooling.as all schools in Ashford are closed for the next 2 weeks due to the localities high level of infections. Mikey has not yet managed to finish his homework trail for last term so the chances of getting home schooling done is pretty much zilch. We have done the letter and post card, but every time I mention doing it he vanishes and doesn't even appear for food. I'm far too exhausted to argue with him as all he does is talk at me  until I give up. I thought I was stubborn until Mikey came along - I am rubbish compared to him! I was trying to use the cut off date (5/1/21) until somebody told him that he wasn't going back to school on |Monday. The little monster has now decided he has an extra 2 weeks of holiday so that idea has totally crashed and burned.

There was 1 little bit of a giggle while I was in hospital...the Dr kept asking me if I had had blood taken - I said no to all questions! It then came out the lab were quwerying my results as they did not look tight! It turned out the blood of the cannabis addict in the bay next to me had been sent under my name! My eGFR and cratinine levels were fantastic! They quickly extracted more blood and that came back at eGFR14, Not what I wanted but far more realistic/probable. Maybe I need to start smoking drugs....!

The Dr in ECC then decided they needed more blood - my arms were not impressed so he extracted it from my ankle. I was certainly not happy as they had drained down while I was in bed and he basically appeared to hit bone. I think I may have passed out as his worried face appeared very close to mine shortly after! By 11.30 they started talking about moving me to either William Harvey or Margate Hospitals. Luckily WHH had no beds and I convinced them that being at home was far better for me. I quickly phoned Andy at home and asked him to come and get me! Mikey had already gone to bed so I suggested putting him and his blanket in the car and he would most likely fall asleep! As usual I was proved wrong and he talked at me all the way back to Ashford!

One downside of feeling this ill is my total lack of 'Nice Heather' frame of mind. this is not being helped today by the removal of all Christmas lights etc and And y napping and snoring at every opportunity. I'm also not sleeping well at night and he is not using his machine as it dries his mouth out. He also has a wonderful ability to get into bed and fall asleep really quickly. Once he gets to full snore mode I tend to get up and go downstairs to freeze, As a result my sleep pattern is totally out of wack and I'm tired. grumpy and ready for violence. Maybe destroying something would help...but it needs to be big and loud when I smash it.


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