Lockdown 3 - 1 day

Well we were right - we go back into a full lockdown tomorrow until mid February. All schools are closed so we now have 6 weeks of home learning ahead, much to Mikey's disgust. But he is currently doing some Maths with Dad...

This afternoon we are finishing part one of Wonder and answering some questions. I'm seriously considering sitting him in front of the film at some point! If we have time we will do some of the learning adventure, but I'm not sure we will!

Home schooling aside I'm having a major wobble,. My immediate reaction last night was 'will I ever see my Mum again?' And someone asked me about support bubbles - I don't have one as all the so called family here are jsut waiting for me to die so providing any support just will not happen. It is all on poor old Andy as certainly the Psycho Bitch Queen really does not give a toss about what is going to happen to me. She certainly doesn't care what effect it may have on her son and grandson. 

One thing I am going ot have to do is get a load of blood tests done for renal - I am also meant to be having a repeat of the tests done last week - but my GP has not contacted me at all! Not really suprised as they have far too many patients! But I am pretty sure that the tests Dr Klebe wants are the same as I had last week so I may just get those done! I'm sure someone will yell if they need more...


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