Lockdown 3; Day 1

Well we are locked down. Mikey celebrated by not getting up until lunchtime which made fitting a days school work in totally impossible. Tomorrow he has to be up earlier as he has a Zoom call with his teacher at 9.30! He also has maths, spelling and guided reading to do. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

I've done another test today, now I am just showing Leukocytes and Ketones - but only a trace of blood - far better than the +++ last week! But I'm still feeling drained and totally washed out. My appetite has also vanished and nothing we have appeals to me in the slightest. I may have a mug of hot chocolate before bed though.

I have booked myself in for another load of bloodtests next Wednesday. I'm hoping my eGFR has gone up and my creatinine down! But the test today does imply the infection has not completely given up yet. I'm feeling so yucky I'm surviving on paracetamol and loads of fluid.

The lockdown is getting to me at the moment. I haven't left the house since last Tuesday and it is not looking as though I'm going anywhere until next Wednesday when I'm off to William Harvey to see the vampires! I would have hoped that they had enough of my blood by now! But at least I have the appointment on my phone in case the police decide to stop me! I must remember to take the forms with me this time - last time I had to dash home and back again as I completely forgot them! 


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