2021, here we go again...

 We are only into day 4 of 2021 and Scotland has now been put into full lockdown for the rest of this month. Boris is due to make an announcement for the UK at 8.00 this evening about what actions will be taken to try to protect us all from this new variant of the virus.

|From a selfish point of view I am hoping that we don't go back into a full lockdown as I have got back onto the Marchwood course. Personnally I need the trees right now - even with the cold and mud! But technically I should still be shielding, but for my sanity I need to get away from the house occassionally for something other than going to hospital!

Today was meant to be Mikey's 1st day home schooling...unfortunately he does not agree and has announced that school is not one of his priorities and as such he will not be doing any work! As for me, I'm still totally exhausted and have spent much of this morning throwing up (mostly bile which really does not help me feel any more human) I got to sleep fairly easily for me last night, but then kept waking up for no obvious reason. For once I can't blame the cat as she vanished while I was asleep. It really annoys me that even when I do sleep it does nothing to help clear my sheer exhaustion - I wish I could remember a time when I woke up and felt ready to face the day and didn't just want to hide under the duvet until the world goes away. All I ask is for the odd day when I feel normal and human rather than old and decrepit.

If Boris does stick us all into lockdown I am still going to have to go to WHH as I still have blood tests to be done for renal. Plus Canterbury want the tests from last week repeated this week as well. Hopefully this time it will be blood from my arm and not my ankle again! Although I will admit that there is no bruise that I have noticed! I am trying to keep as positive as I can as when I start dialysis the needles are HUGE!!!! And they will need to be inserted 3 times a week just to keep me alive. But I keep reminding myself that this may well make me feel better and once I'm used to it have far more energy than I do now...so a complete win; once I get my head around the needles!!



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