Day 67...cont.

Today has not exactly followed the route I was expecting...rather odd conisdering every day for the last 66 has...

A fellow member of the Kidney Disease facebook group I belong to has died. I suppose that is something we should all expect as Kidney failure is actually deadly...but over the weekend she appeared fine and has a 3 year old daughter. Mums are not meant to die (or Dads) and in my selfish, locked in mood, it has made me very aware of what might happen to Mikey. I really need to sort out a full support network that I can rely on for him. I don't want all responsibility dumped on Andy as Mikey can be difficult when he puts his mind to it!

I have been sorting some help for Mikey to help us to imorove his self esteem and confidence. In these he is too like me, both are somewhere subterranean due to the way I have been treated by many people in the past. Beccy seems to have already got the measure of my growing treasure and the suggestions she has already made certainly make sense to me, all I have to do now is re-programme Mikey... Anyone got a large magnet I can use to clear his current memory/hard drive???


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