Lockdown, Day 68

Today was my first counselling session with my new counsellor. It felt as though is went well and Misty plonked herself on my lap through the whole session (on the phone thanks to CV 19) and she really did help. I was very proud of myself that I didn't get overly emotional and \I learned a lot about mt Super Ego, I think I need far more Id to balance it out! Maybe I need more sweets to rediscover my inner child and let her out more. I feel that I tried to hide her from far to young and probably achieved it too well.

I also need to find a way to stop telling myself that I'm not doing what I should rather than what is achieveable and essential... Rather than re-programming Mikey it is me who needs it. I still need a large and strong magnet to wipe my memory again!! Although the thought of a fortnight snoozing in a coma does appeal to me!

The weather is still very warm and from the way my nose feels the pollen levels must be pretty high...I'm still considering trying to find a diving helmet with an oxygen supply to live is from April to the end of June! At least I should hopefully feel a little more human that way...and the explosive sneezing would hopefully cease; or life inside the helmet will be decidedly soggy and deafening!

This is the closest we get to vegetables going into Michael...so far as he is concerned, Ketchup is one of his 5 a Day! At least we can now get reduced salt and sugar and he can't tell the difference thankfully!


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