Lockdown, Day 66

Another night on the sofa...my neck is agony now and any movement is agony...I need to find a way of obtaining a socially distanced massage!!!

Andy has just gone into work to do whatever he does to the tapes! I'm not going to pretend I know what he does, but it is obviously essential and if anyone messes up his server room he gets even more grumpy! I just wish it wasn't in Maidstone Hospital but he says it is still quiet over there so hopefully nobody totally moronic can get anywhere near him. Having got this far I'm now being selfish and really do not want to even risk catching it...

To be honest I've been feeling guilty recently - so far nobody I care about has been taken by Covid 19 and now it is starting to reduce I'm really hoping that state continues, but it is hard to believe that nobody I love has been affected...

Today is my first full day on 16:8. I fast for 16 hours out of every 24 and am only allowed to eat during the other 8 hours. Andy is possibly not going to like this as I am not allowed to eat after 8.30 every night...But then again eating late is not meant to be that good for us!!!

For some reason Blogger is getting stroppy about adding photos...if I try I end up sitting gazing at a spinning circle for ages they has never completed And anyone who knows me also knows I am not well known for my patience...


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