Lockdown, Day 44

I managed to get some sleep last night!!!! Massive achievement, but I'm still feeling exhausted and I know I'm drained as my fingernails are breaking at every opportunity they come across!

I've decided that all I'm thinking about for the immediate future is that I will get a break on Monday when they knock me out!! I'm ignoring the reason for being knocked out...I'll worry about that if and when I have to.

Mikey has had a relatively good day...not muck (any) school work done, but I am trying not to add that worry to everything else as I'm not sure I can cope with any more. Poor Andy got snapped at earlier as I couldn't even shut the fridge and he wanted the shopping moved so he could sort it out. I'm honestly getting to the stage when I really can't cope with anything not going the way I feel it should, If it doesn't I will either snap or cry... Or on particuarlly bad days both.

I got a call from Ashford Borough Council this afternoon to check that I am coping OK and that I have an adequate support network. Maybe I should have let them talk to my support network (of 1) as he must be getting stressed now, but instead I just laughed and said I was fine and we are all coping with no problems... One day I will be honest and stop pretending I can cope with whatever I run into. I guess my years of hiding my feelings and emotions have conditioned me far more than I realised.


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