Lockdown, Day 48
Today is not going well. After all the emotion of yesterday I now feel drained and empty; plus my head is driving me up the wall as it is thinking far too much about Monday and panic is really setting in.
I've not managed to eat anything yet today, but drinks are appearing to drain themselves!! Either that or I am now a walking thirsty drain...nothing is sating my thirst right now but there is still a bottle of prosecco in the fridge that might help...!
My test results from my bloods are filtering through slowly...My Potassium and Sodium have both gone up, as has my creatinin - but not as high as they were at Christmas which is reassuring to me at least! My eGFR has dropped another point but I'm still higher than I was when Dr Klebe was happy I was stable so all in all I am happy with how I'm doing. At least I'm still a way off having to have my fistula created. The longer |I can stay out of Canterbury Hospital the better!! That place still terrifies me and the more time |I can avoid it, the better!
Mikey is currently outside - he was not happy earlier as it was too hot! He is really not going to be happy when the arctic weather arrives tomorrow...I have suggested that trousers may be a better choice than the shorts that are surgically attached to his body...I am really dreading the removal of his socks prior to them sticking to the washing machine.
At least if is practice for me for the time from 1pm tomorrow when I'm not allowed to eat until the procedure on Monday...I am really not going to be nice to live with to the 24 hours from lunch tomorrow...so please be warned snapping and crying my happen with no warning and absolutely no reason!