Lockdown, Day 45

Feeling very proud of myself today...I drove Mikey and me to the hospital for some blood tests for the Renal and Anaemia teams. Getting there was pretty easy, a few families around with Mikey commenting on every single group he saw! He did bet worried about the For Sale sign near the park, but calmed down when I said it was most probably for a house down the road, not the park itself!! Parking at the Hospital was easy, except for getting ropund a large transit type van which vas abandoned, sticking out near the the test tents, but I coped...(which has added to my pride in myself!!

We walked straight in to the blood testing area, the chairs were well spread out but it was empty! The ticket board showed 32 and the ticket I collected was 33! Once the Vampires realised they had a victim I was called in and Mikey investigated the water dispenser and, once the nurse convinced him he was safer outside parked himself on a chair to wait! For once me veins behaves and 2 vials were quickly filled and once the vampire was convinced the forms were not fake, sent off for processing!! She was a tad concerned that from my Date of Birth I should be 49 and my forms said I was 48. Simple explanation to be honest - I have not yet had a birthday yet so she agreed the blood could be sent off!!

The whole morning left me with a proud Mum feeling as Mikey was really good, he happily sanitised his hands as we went through the main entrance and again when we got to Endoscopy as I needed to collect my instructions and laxatives ready for my procedure next week. He got his reward with a quick stop at the Co-op and collcted a large armful of sugar which Mum was expected to buy for him! It would have been far cheaper in the Friends shop, but they are not yet open so he got to con Mum yet again!

This evening Andy is happy as Gah Wah Chinese Takeaway has reopen, it is safe to say he has missed then more than his freedom! But as I only had to cook Mikey's food, I'm not going to complain!!


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