Lockdown, Day 102

This is what my days are like;

Wake up; try to move and wait for the cracking of joints to start. This morning my legs felt as though I'd already walked several miles; overnight they were best described as restless which meant standing up took a whole lot of effort and was exceedingly painful.

Bathroom; headed in to get woken up fully! My left shoulder is still horribly painful and I can't ever seem to get it in a comfortable position. So far as I know I have not done anything to it, at least not since I was 13 when I dislocated it, surely that can't still be causing a problem?!?

Dressed, got dressed and went downstairs, had a quick chat with Andy and then left for the hospital to get a bloodtest done. Had a quick drink of water to take my morning handful of tablets; I am now in rattle mode...

Success!! I managed to get my phone to connect to the car stereo so I could play my spotify playlist! That helped me arrive at the hospital feeling pretty much relaxed and ready to be stabbed! 

Parked easily and walked into the hospital to be masked and have my hands squirted; for some reason I escaped being temperature checked - probably good as on Monday the test showed I had hypothermia!! Got to the blood room and collected a ticked - 07 and the wall display was showing 6! Good, no long wait even though I had a phone and kindle to keep me occupied! I soon got called in and hte 1st 2 attempts didn't connect with a vein! So a second attempt was made to try to find a vein and they all promptly vanished! I then returned to the waiting room to await the return of a very experienced vampire who was soon back and quickly extracted blood from my left arm. I have asked again for a tap to be fitted as once I have a fistula created that arm will be out of bounds!!

Once home I managed to have lunch, everyone else had already eaten!! And then I had a chat with the school FLO to talk about how Mikey is coping with the continued lockdown, and how his teacher is looking forward to seeing him tomorrow at their Face to Face bubble after school! I had to admit that we felt it was important to give him a break from us and vice versa as we have all been stuck together for over 100 days now. Andy actually has a clock counting down to the end of July as that is the official time I am allowed out of shielding! I've not obeyed the rules totally as Mikey has needed hugs throughout this escapade and I have provided them whenever they were required. But I have known everywhere he has been and he has not come into contact with many people at all! He has mastered social distancing quite easily; plus he makes so much noise most people run away!! 

Right now I am watching TV and providing hugs for Mikey upon request! Andy has nipped out to try to get Mikey some new trainers as he has worn holes in the bottom of the current ones...I really wish he would pick his feet up more!! So far Mikey has had a pre-tea meal of frankfurters and I'll provide his final tea a little later once his appetite starts up again...

                        This is the thing that has kept me stuck at home for over 100 days....


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